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Free delivery within Poland with Orlen Paczka from 400 PLN
(including order for wool cover placed in COVER MAKER section)



Woolberry Naturalnie

Out of a need to live closer to nature


✔︎ you want to give your baby the best start, natural and chemical-free, 

✔︎ you value comfort and minimalism,

✔︎ you are environmentally conscious,

✔︎ the issue of costs is of your concern

    ... then you have come to the right place!


You will find here what you need from the first moments of your baby's life - healthy, safe, easy to use, made of natural materials only, cloth nappies and other products, created with passion and special attention to every detail, inseparably caring for health and nature.

zdrowe pieluszki
Image by Tara Evans

Healthy start, healthy future

Buy or design your own wool nappy


Why use cloth nappies?

01. Health

We do not compromise. The fabrics for our nappies come exclusively from natural raw resources that are safe from baby's first moments - they are mainly made from wool and organic cotton, linen. This is especially important for the thin and delicate skin of the smallest babies, through which everything they come into contact with penetrates. Contact with natural materials gives the child enormous health benefits and a sense of comfort.
They are sourced mainly in Poland, otherwise in other European countries. All nappies are made in Poland. 

02. Quality

Proper selection of materials, careful workmanship, attention to every detail and, consequently, the satisfaction of everyone who uses Woolberry Naturalnie products - these are our priorities. Every fabric and knit we use, and then the finished products, are thoroughly tested before we start selling them. We know how the fabric will work in use and the product, whether it is what we expect. We do not offer any product that we are not 100% sure is reliable and of the highest quality.

03. Ecology

Our wool diaper covers are made from 100 % natural resource - woolen yarn, while our other cloth nappies and products are made from organic cotton and linen. Each of these raw materials is natural and renewable, posing no threat to the environment whatsoever and, on the contrary, once they have been used, you can biodegrade them yourself by burying them in your garden. Wool, under favourable conditions (the right temperature and moisture), needs only 4-6 months to decompose, cotton and linen a little longer to become nourishment for the plants growing in it.
Any baby nappies made from non-natural materials are not biodegradable, they will linger in landfills forever releasing harmful substances.  Disposable nappies can be recycled, but as they are a multi-material waste with a biological load, it is a complicated, costly and time-consuming process.

04. Cost-effectiveness

Did you know that a set of 4 wool wraps and around 40 absorbent nappies equates to more than two years' worth of nappies for your baby? In comparison, a baby would need a minimum of 5,000 disposable nappies over the same period. You don't have to buy the full number of reusable nappies straight away, you can gradually buy the nappies that suit you and your baby best, reducing the use of disposables. As a result, your costs will be significantly lower than the average cost of disposable nappies, even of the cheapest ones. Here we will help you choose a trial set of nappies, as well as a set for full time reusable diapering.
A reusable nappy can serve your baby for the entire diapering period and then its younger siblings. It can also be sold/gifted to serve another baby once yours has outgrown it. Reusable nappies save you money and time.

05. Modernity

Today's reusable nappies are comfortable for the baby, very easy and pleasant to use and definitely beautiful to our eyes. These are not the nappies that older generations are familiar with. They do not need to be boiled and ironing is not allowed. Much less work than you've expected, right? Just simply air the woolen wrap, pop the absorbent pads into the washing machine and wash them together with other items. Thanks to wool, nappying becomes a pleasure and at the same time saves a lot of work. Such nappies are not only healthy and ecological, they are also a cute and stylish part of clothing. Our reusable nappies are a joy and guarantee peace of your mind.

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